
Website buttons like those above were very common in the 90s. They've also made a resurgence on Neocities. Everyone's site has one. If you've got a website on Neocities, you've got to have a button. Most buttons direct you to another site, or some are used to show someone's interests or opinions, a bit like badges on someone's backpack.
A button serves as free advertising to your page. People who like your site will include your button on their homepage. And when people click on that button, they'll be directed to your site! Isn't that so cool?
All you need to make a basic button is a computer and some basic image editing software. (MS Paint is a good choice.) If you're already good at image editing, you probably don't need any help. Just remember that the dimensions should be 88x31.

Save this blank template, then edit it on your computer however you want. If you don't know how to animate it, that's fine. Just make sure it's eye catching and that it has the name of your site on it. Then, upload it to your site, and place it somewhere everyone can see it. And that's it, you have your own button. Soon you should start seeing it pop up on other people's sites.