Page Ideas (In Case You're Stuck)
Here is a list of pages that are common on many NeoCities sites, in case you're out of ideas.

Guestbook - A place where people leave messages and comments on your site. This usually has to be hosted on an external site, such as SmartGB.
Graphics Page - You can put a collection of graphics here for visitors to use on their own site. If you can't make any yourself, you can just use ones that you found floating around the web. Then you can watch your graphics spread around other Neocities sites.
News - It's popular for people to write down a log of their site's updates, or just a diary of their own thoughts. They're good for telling others about your site's development.
Shrines - Mini fanpages for your favourite things.
Downloads - Not many Neocities sites have these, but on older websites these were very common. They hosted stuff like free wallpapers, IM avatars, and much more. Even though they're free, they still worked as free advertising. You could use this to give out your site's button!
Links - Share links to your favourite sites on this page.
Reviews - You could review your favourite TV shows, books and music. I think this kind of content is better off on a blog, but many people still like to include them in their sites.